The Six Enemies of Radiant Skin (And What You Can Do To Combat Them)

Ignorance may be bliss, but when it comes to skin, ignorance can mean the difference between fine lines and wrinkles forming, or not.

Understanding how the skin functions and what it needs can often means we spend less on skincare, and better yet, avoid the premature ageing of skin, says Snowberry scientist and President of the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Dr Travis Badenhorst.

Allow us to introduce the cellular matrix, the mesh or proteins contained in the skin’s dermis. The cellular matrix comprises collagen, elastin, and moisture-retaining glycans. As we age, this protein structure that was formerly dense and resilient starts to thin, skin begins to sag and lines and wrinkles form, Dr Badenhorst explains.

If protecting your skin’s natural barrier and minimising premature ageing is your current skincare M.O, then you’ll want to familiarise yourself with the six enemies of radiant skin, who can speed up the ageing process.

1. UV Rays

Perhaps skin’s greatest nemesis and obstacle to achieving radiant skin are the sun’s UV rays and damaging free radicals, which can wage war on skin’s collagen and elastin stores.

2. Chronic Low-Level Inflammation

This form of inflammation occurs when the skin’s natural immune response doesn’t switch off, and can lead to increased sensitivity, persistent redness, and brown spots. Often the result of the regular use of inexpensive foaming cleansers that strip the skin’s protective lipid layer and acid mantle.

3. Glycation

While we’re not ones to turn down cupcakes or donuts, Dr Badenhorst notes sweet treats can stimulate glycation – where sugar molecules cling to and degrade healthy collagen.

4. Dehydration

Dry, dehydrated skin can result in dryness, skin tightness, flaking and fine lines. When skin is dehydrated, it can create more oil to make up for the missing water.

5. Proteinases

Metalloproteinases are important enzymes that work to tidy up old or weakened collagen. Unfortunately, as we age, they can become overzealous and cause damage to a healthy collagen.

6. Smoking

This one should be a no-brainer. Not only can smoking cause fine lines around the lip area, but cigarette smoke displaces the oxygen in your skin, while nicotine reduces blood flow, leaving skin dry and discoloured.

But all is not lost, there are a number of ways we can reduce and reverse damage done to the cellular matrix – and choosing efficacious skincare is a good start.

Complex by nature, the cellular matrix requires an equally multifaceted skincare approach to for skin maintenance and renewal. Advanced serums that are guaranteed to deliver active ingredients, such as peptides, deep into the cellular matrix are paramount. Look to Snowberry’s two newest products, the Radiance Face Serum and Intensive Renewal Face Serum to stimulate the skin’s natural collagen production, while reducing oxidative damage and strengthening the epidermal basement membrane. Both serums are formulated with world-first technology and have been proven to work by the only valid scientific measure – the gold standard clinical trial.

Combine this with an increased intake of anti-oxidant fruit and vegetables, limiting sugar and alcohol, and ditching the cigarettes and you’re onto a winner.

When it comes to avoiding the premature ageing of skin, it seems knowledge really is power.

  • For more about Snowberry and how to look after your skin, visit

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