Eight Small Ways to Change Your Life

Picture / @aroharetreats

The panel at the Viva Sessions 'Change Your Life' event were asked to share quick and helpful ideas across food, mindfulness and fun. Here, a selection of their tips:

1. Study centenarian cultures. They live the longest, healthiest lives and have the lowest rates of disease.

2. Just breathe. Take 15 minutes to sit and focus on breathing if you don't have 15, take 10, and if you don't have 10 take five.

3. Dance! This was a big theme on the night, with each speaker saying they wish they danced more.

4. Try new things. Life is short; you have got to do what you want, go after it and experience new things.

5. Go for a dip in the ocean or do a yoga class – you will always feel better for it, and no one ever regrets a yoga class.

6. Keep a food journal and record how your body reacts to certain foods.

7. Go for a walk. Nature isn't created flat, so get off the footpath and go off roading. Or, run fast - when was the last time you went for a sprint?

8. Set an intention for the day. A good place to do this in the shower, the perfect place to take time out for yourself.

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