Why Isaac Hindin-Miller Hates Hashtags, Loves Trolling His Friends

Ex-pat Isaac Hindin-Miller is back in town for NZ Fashion Week. Picture / Supplied.

New York-based New Zealander Isaac Hindin-Miller is back home for New Zealand Fashion Week, the event he covered for his blog Isaac Likes until he moved to New York in 2011. He has since written for The New York Times' T Magazine, GQ, The Business of Fashion, Esquire and style.com, and has an advice column on the Man Repeller website; recently he became the new agony aunt for our sister magazine, Canvas. Isaac's back at Fashion Week as an international VIP guest, where he'll be as plugged-in as ever. He shares his digital diet with us, from preferred blogs to his current app obsession.

What digital devices do you have?
I've got the iPhone 6 and a MacBook Pro.

Favourite websites and blogs?
manrepeller.com, hbogo.com (it's where I watch True Detective online), damselindior.com, songofstyle.com. I look at the female bloggers for most of my inspiration; they're the ones who are really changing the game.

How often do you check your iPhone?
Way too much. But I justify it by saying that most people go to an office for 40 hours a week and, as a blogger, my phone is a major part of my office, so I need to be at my office for at least 40 hours a week like everybody else. Who's with me?

Last thing you downloaded?
This is awkward. The last app I downloaded was Facetune, but I promise I've never used it to change what I look like, and the last song I downloaded off iTunes was Trap Queen by Fetty Wap.

Favourite apps?
Instagram I'm on it a lot (follow me! @isaaclikes_); Depop it's where I sell all my clothing after I blog it; and Periscope I'm about to start doing live relationship advice on it. Should be fun.

Most useful apps?
I like the airline apps for when I'm flying, but the most useful app has to be Uber. It can get a bit expensive in NYC but if you choose Uber Pool as the option when you're going somewhere it tells you how much your ride is going to cost before you get in the car, and most of the time you don't even have to share with anybody. It's so good.

The silliest app you've downloaded?
Dubsmash, but I'm obsessed with it.

Your favourite social media network?
Instagram for sure. It's the only one I really care about, but sometimes Snapchat can be a lot of fun too.

How many Instagram and Twitter followers do you have?
Instagram: 15.5k. Twitter: 6122.

The best account you follow?
@tildalindstam she's this Swedish model who posts extremely unflattering photos of herself with brilliantly punny captions. For example: She recently posted a photo of herself from the side with her posterior sticking out while holding a classical music vinyl, and the caption read: "Baby got Bach". Trust me, it's good.

Your three most used emojis?
The camera, the horse head and the American flag. My favourite is the horse head.

Do you read books on a Kindle or digital device?
No, but in all honesty I'm so rarely alone and not in front of a computer that I don't read books all that often. I occasionally download books from iLibrary onto my iPhone and read them on the subway but it's pretty small and annoying. I prefer the real thing.

Your online/digital guilty pleasure?
Trolling my friend's Instagram pages and leaving inappropriate comments.

Online pet peeve?
Hashtags. Unless they're unpreventable or genuinely funny, they're completely unnecessary. Also, it's 2015 and we all have good cameras on our phones, what's with all the blurry photos?

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