Chocolate & Nut Brownies Recipe

By Angela Casley
Photo / Babiche Martens

This raw brownie is perfect to have in the freezer at this time of the year when guests come and go. Simply bring to room temperature before eating, 10 minutes will do it. Serve as a dessert with a blob of yoghurt and some fresh strawberries.


Makes 16 pieces

1 cup raw almonds

½ cup raw cashew nuts

1½ cups pitted dry dates

½ cup cocoa

100g dark chocolate

½ cup almonds, chopped roughly
  1. Line a 20 x 20cm tin with baking paper.
  2. Place the almonds and cashews into a bowl of cold water and soak overnight or for at least 6 hours, then drain. Cover the dates with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes before draining.
  3. Into a food processor place the nuts, dates and cocoa. Whizz until almost smooth. Press the mixture into the tin evenly.
  4. Break the chocolate into a bowl and place over simmering water stirring until smooth. Remove and spread over the brownie and sprinkle with the nuts. Freeze until firm, about 2 hours, then cut into squares. Return to the freezer for storage.
  5. To serve remove from the freezer for 10 minutes to soften slightly before eating.

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