The Viva Team Share Their New Year's Beauty Resolutions For 2021

Here's how the Viva team will be stepping up their beauty regimes in 2021. Photo / Getty Images

"I hope you're sitting comfortably, as mine is a rather lengthy list. I've been wanting to try collagen induction therapy (also known as micro-needling) for some time, but I've never had the gall to actually book myself in for a treatment. It's said to address enlarged pores (check), uneven skin tone (check) and fine lines (check check check!). I also struggle with hyperpigmentation and melasma, so I'll be coupling in-clinic treatments with hormone-balancing herbs to lighten and brighten my complexion. After three years sans coffee, I'm back with a vengeance (blame my one-year-old) and since then I've noticed considerable yellowing of my teeth. I'd love to try a tooth whitening treatment to leave my gnashers looking pearly white once again. I'm also yet to find a clarifying shampoo that I truly love (I see you, oily roots and dry ends). My search is sure to continue in 2021." Ashleigh Cometti, beauty editor

“My New Year beauty resolution most years include my hair, which tends to be the last thing on my mind in my daily routine. I'll try for another resolution of spending more time with the up-keep of long hair, including trying new treatments and styling tools, and perhaps a few more visits to our talented hairstylists in Auckland.”  Annabel Dickson, editorial assistant

“My beauty aim for 2021 is targeting skin discolouration on my cheeks and around my hairline, with the right driver’s side of my face being worse than the left. I'm going to give some popular serums a go and may head out to do some laser therapy in autumn, which I’ve found really effective in the past. I’d also like to take more care of my feet by taking them regularly to reflexology and massage treatments as summer sandals seem to dry them out a bit too much. Lastly, I’d like to tackle curling tongs; no idea where or how to start with this one.” Babiche Martens, photographer

“At some point in 2020 I started making an earnest effort to be gentler on my skin, simplifying my skincare regime to a handful of less-aggressive products that collectively make my skin much, much happier. For 2021 I want to incorporate regular spa treatments with the same approach a kinder routine, at home and beyond.”  Julia Gessler, digital co-ordinator

“2021 is year of the combat! I want to implement a beauty routine from the inside out  focusing on a routine that will get me back to a healthy and happy level. I want to be more aware of the products I am using and ensuring they are tailored to my needs. I also want to make more environmentally conscious decisions when it comes to beauty products and supporting local as much as possible. Cheers to that 2021!”  Andrea O’Hagan, commercial integration manager – lifestyle and entertainment

“For 2021 I want to commit to the basics: water and sunscreen. Skincare products are wonderful (and a soothing ritual that I enjoy greatly) but I really need to focus on hydration from within, and preventing sun damage. I also plan to eat more oily fish, as I find it really does wonders, and wear a bit more makeup.”  Emma Gleason, commercial editor

"More sleep and more water is how I generally like to envisage the start of a new year; however, 2020 proved that less sleep and more wine was how things actually panned out. So am hoping for a little more optimism and thinking more about what I'm putting into my body. On the surface, I'm a gadget fiend, so am curious and fascinated to see what it feels like to have an ice globe facial massager sliding across my tired face in the hopes it might make me look more alert."  Dan Ahwa, creative & fashion director

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