Coconut Sugar Panna Cotta Recipe with Mandarin Marmalade

By Angela Casley
Coconut sugar panna cotta and mandarin marmalade. Picture / Babiche Martens

Colourful and totally divine, a dollop of mandarin marmalade goes with anything. Here, I have made a coconut panna cotta, which complements the spices in the marmalade.

Coconut sugar comes from the sap of the coconut tree not the white pulp we associate with coconut, hence the slightly golden colour. The flavour is unique and delicious, and green kiwifruit are a finishing touch.

Serves 6

100g coconut sugar
400ml coconut water
5 leaves gelatin, soaked in cold water to soften
400ml coconut cream

6 mandarins, cut into quarters
1 ½ cup water
1 cup sugar
2 cinnamon stick
3 star anise

To serve
Coconut shards, chopped kiwifruit and mint

1. To make the panna cotta, place the sugar and coconut water into a small pot and stir over a low heat until dissolved. Remove from the heat and stir in the gelatin leaves to dissolve.

2. Stir through the coconut cream. Pour into a bowl and place over iced water and stir until completely cold.

3. Pour the mixture into six ramekins or moulds, cover and refrigerate until needed.

4. To make the marmalade, place the mandarins, water, sugar, cinnamon and star anise into a medium-sized pot. Slowly bring to the heat stirring occasionally then simmer for 30 minutes or until the mandarins are completely tender. Remove the mandarins with a slotted spoon and strain the spices.

5. Return the liquid to the pot and simmer until reduced by half and getting syrupy. Return the mandarins to the syrup then place in a blender and whizz until almost smooth. Allow to cool.

6. For plating, dip the panna cotta into a warm bath of water very briefly then invert on to a plate. Dollop on the marmalade and garnish.

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